dissabte, 11 de juny del 2011



Amb el do de la croma
el domador conmou a la bestia
I presa dels aromes
es deixa seduir
de tanta fortuna.

Saps? aquests tons son
d´aquells que sempre has vist
i mai has apreciat…
El to es tant pur que ho fa tot invisible…
i la meva ma fa avui concreta
aquesta existencia.

Palpo i somric:
ara se que visc.

Nuvols i perspectives boirosses
han expandit moltes coses sense nom.
Misteri saludable es un misteri…

(ara ja no passará
mai mes el temps)

Suspir ùnic!

- tic tac tic tac tic tac

que tot es clar
i tot es viu…

De tant perennes emocions
fins i tot cauen les llagrimes
i amb aquests preciosos llargs instants feliços


brillo sabent-me.


Using the Khroma Key gift
The tamer moves the beast
Who full of scents
Lets itself become captivated
By so many fortune

You know, these shades are like
those that you have always seen but never appreciated…
A shade so pure that turns everything into invisible…
And today my hand turns this existance into real.

I touch and smile:
Now I am sure, I am alive.

Clouds and foggy prospects…
They have expanded many things without name
Healthy Mistery it´s a mistery...

Now, time is not going to run anymore

And Only one more sigh!

Tick-tock Tick-tock Tick-tock

Everything is clear
And everything is alive

Emotions so eternal
That even tears are jumping
And with these beautiful and happy long instants


I shine
because I know myself.

Poesia de Muriel Parra Ferrer
Trad. Julia Llompart Esbert

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